Analytics & Reports.
Get in-depth insights on your student's learning progress. Dive deeper into user engagement.
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Enhanced courses with analytics & reports.
Step 1 - Diagnostic
Start with a 3-5 question quiz to help you identify your students’ current knowledge of a subject before teaching takes place.
Step 2 - Formative
Give quizzes often for information and feedback during the instructional process, while learning is taking place.
Step 3 - Summative
Final assessmensts are for after learning is completed to provide information about the quality & quanity of learning.
Actionable data.
- Track students' progress over time
- Identify students' strengths and weaknesses
- Filter results by class, course, assessment, and student
- View all graded results with regrade options, after updates
- Export all report data as CSV (comma seperated value lists)

Still have questions?
We totally understand. We have real people, not bots, on hand to help. We also have extensive documentation on hand.
We aim to answer any query the same day.
More Features to Explore
Course Builder
Create online courses that are meaningful, inspiring, and relevant for your audience.
Assessment Builder
Build personalized exams and self-assessments using our powerful and proven engine.
Analytics & Reports
Get in-depth insights into your student's progress. Dive deep into user engagement.
Student Management
Group students into classes and map them to their respective courses and assessments.
Security Measures
We offer several anti-cheating measures to protect the integrity of your data and content.
Selling Access
Your clients can self-register and pay to access your courses and assessments.